The Ioan Kunst Ghermănescu Coach School wishes to continue the tradition of training the sports specialists that UNEFS Bucharest has supported for decades.
As a result of the actions taken by the National Academy of Physical Education and Sport through the Notification no. 33431 of March 12, 1991, the Ministry of Education and Science, according to order no. 33232 of May 8, 1991, approves through the General Directorate of Higher Education, the establishment at ANEFS, from the academic year 1991-1992, of the short-term higher education – University College.
Legislative changes from 2006 to 2012 in the field of education necessitated a reconsideration of the training of coaches, as short-term university programs were no longer in force, according to the Bologna Process.
The establishment of the “Ioan Kunst Ghermănescu” Coach School represents an act of re-establishing the dimensions and the quality of coach training in different branches of sport.
The educational partnership with the National University of Physical Education and Sport in Bucharest, A-level institution, with a high degree of trust provided by ARACIS in 2009, ensures the premises of an educational process that satisfies the quality standards.
At the beginning of a process of assertion in the current educational context, the school shall have an efficient management, able to ensure the fulfilment of the mission and the objectives assumed.