The mission of the school:

The mission of the Coach School Ioan Kunst Ghermănescu is:

- to train coaches in different sporting sectors, according to the standards of quality and exigency imposed at national and European level by similar professional organizations and by sports federations;

- to focus on the formation and development of competences (knowledge, skills, attitudes) enabling the graduate to be professionally involved in the field, at national and international level;

- to provide quality training services to ensure the successful completion of the training program;

- to create an efficient and friendly school environment where all resources (human, material, financial, informational) are used for quality professional training;

- to create a methodological and research force in the field of performance sports, where future specialists will find resources for initial and continuous training;

- to develop educational services that promote moral and fair-play values in the community;

- to create educational partnerships with educational institutions in the country and abroad.